# Notable changes between versions

## [1.2.9] 2024-04-02

## [1.2.8] 2024-02-16

## [1.2.7] 2023-05-19

## [1.2.6] 2023-04-24

## [1.2.5] 2023-01-16

## [1.2.4] 2022-11-22

## [1.2.3] 2022-09-08

## [1.2.2] 2022-05-16

## [1.2.1] 2022-05-13

## [1.2.0] 2022-05-11

  • When caching, store the full catalogue (including derived values) within the QueryATNF object to a file. This improves the speed with which the catalogue can be requeried. See [#103](https://github.com/mattpitkin/psrqpy/pull/103).

## [1.1.8] 2022-04-28

## [1.1.7] 2022-02-3

## [1.1.6] 2021-12-13

## [1.1.5] 2021-11-18

## [1.1.4] 2021-11-17

## [1.1.3] 2021-10-11

## [1.1.2] 2021-06-22

## [1.1.1] 2021-03-19

## [1.1.0] 2021-03-18

The major change for this release is that it no longer supports Python 2.7, and only supports Python versions greater than 3.5.

## [1.0.11] 2020-10-19

## [1.0.10] 2020-10-08

## [1.0.9] 2020-06-08

## [1.0.8] 2020-06-05

Changes for this release:

  • The way references are stored in the ATNF pulsar catalogue has changed, so the get_references function has been changed to work with this new format. This breaks that function for older cached catalogue, but a warning is provided. See [#64](https://github.com/mattpitkin/psrqpy/pull/64).

  • The astropy Galactocentric coordinates have been set to use default values from the pre-v4.0 release. See [#65](https://github.com/mattpitkin/psrqpy/pull/65).

## [1.0.7] 2020-03-29

Changes for this release:

## [1.0.6] 2020-03-19

Changes for this release:

## [1.0.5] 2019-09-04

Changes for this release:

  • The version 1.61 of the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue containing the declinations with the unicode “−” character in place of an ascii minus sign “-” has been fixed upstream, so the code fix to account for this has been removed (it was also causing issues with the Python 2 version of the code).

## [1.0.4] 2019-09-04

Changes for this release:

  • Update the P-Pdot diagram, so that the user can specify which pulsars to include, either via the pulsars passed to the original query request (which is the default option) or by directly passing names to the P-Pdot function. If no particular pulsars were requested then all pulsars will be included.

  • Version 1.61 of the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue contains some declinations with the unicode “−” character in place of an ascii minus sign “-”. This release switched the unicode “−” to the “-”, so that the values can be parsed to float numbers. This version of the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue also contains a couple of negative parallax values, so this release does not allow these to be used for calculating distances.

## [1.0.3] 2019-07-29

Changes for this release:

## [1.0.0] 2018-11-15

This release involves major changes to the API.

  • PSRQpy now downloads the full ATNF Pulsar Catalogue database and stores it internally.

  • PSRQpy will no longer generate queries of the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue via the web interface.

  • Derived parameters are calculated internally rather than being values returned be the catalogue web interface.

  • Full string paper references are no longer included in the output table, but can be returned using the parse_ref

method of the QueryATNF class.