Source code for psrqpy.pulsar

The classes defined here are hold information on an individual pulsar
or an interable list of pulsars.

from .config import PSR_ALL_PARS, PSR_ALL

[docs]class Pulsar(object): """ An object to hold a single pulsar. The class requires a pulsar name. The pulsar parameters are set as attributes of the class. Args: psrname (str): a string containing a pulsar name query (:class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF`): a query Additional keyword arguments are any of the valid queriable pulsar parameters. """ def __init__(self, psrname, query=None, **kwargs): self._name = psrname self._query = query for key, value in kwargs.items(): setattr(self, key, value) def __repr__(self): """ Define the method return by repr """ return
[docs] def keys(self): """ Return a list of the class attribute names for allowed pulsar parameters. """ keys = ( PSR_ALL_PARS + [par + "_ERR" for par in PSR_ALL_PARS] + [par + "_REF" for par in PSR_ALL_PARS] ) return [key for key in self.__dict__ if key in keys]
[docs] def items(self): """ Return a list of the class attribute values. """ keys = ( PSR_ALL_PARS + [par + "_ERR" for par in PSR_ALL_PARS] + [par + "_REF" for par in PSR_ALL_PARS] ) return [value for key, value in self.__dict__.items() if key in keys]
@property def name(self): """ Return the pulsar name """ return self._name def __getitem__(self, key): """ If the class has a attribute given by the key then return it, otherwise generate a query for that key to set it. Args: key (str): an item to get """ ukey = key.upper() pulsarname = param = None if key in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[key] elif ukey in self.__dict__: return self.__dict__[ukey] else: if ukey.endswith("_ERR") or ukey.endswith( "_REF" ): # an error or reference parameter tkey = ukey[:-4] # parameter name without error else: tkey = ukey if tkey not in PSR_ALL_PARS: raise KeyError( '"{}" is not a recognised pulsar ' "parameter".format(tkey) ) else: # generate a query for the key and add it if self._query is None: try: from .search import QueryATNF self._query = QueryATNF() except IOError: raise Exception("Problem querying ATNF catalogue") psrrow = self._query.get_pulsar(pulsarname) if psrrow is None: raise Exception('Pulsar "{}" is unknown'.format(pulsarname)) param = psrrow[ukey][0] # required output parameter setattr(self, ukey, param) # set output parameter value # set parameter value if an error value was requested if PSR_ALL[tkey]["err"]: if tkey != ukey and ukey.endswith( "_ERR" ): # asking for error, so set actual value setattr(self, tkey, psrrow[tkey][0]) else: # asking for value, so set error setattr(self, tkey + "_ERR", psrrow[tkey + "_ERR"][0]) # set parameter value if a reference values was requested if PSR_ALL[tkey]["ref"]: if tkey != ukey and ukey.endswith( "_REF" ): # asking for reference, so set actual value setattr(self, tkey, psrrow[tkey][0]) else: # asking for value, so set reference setattr(self, tkey + "_REF", psrrow[tkey + "_REF"][0]) return param def __getattr__(self, key): """ If the class has a attribute given by the key then return it, otherwise raise an error. """ ukey = key.upper() # swapped from using hasattr to try...except... (see # try: return self.__dict__[key] except KeyError: try: return self.__dict__[ukey] except KeyError: try: if ukey in PSR_ALL_PARS: return self[ukey] except KeyError: raise AttributeError(key) def __getstate__(self): """ Define to allow pickling. """ return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, d): """ Define to allow pickling. """ self.__dict__.update(d) def __dir__(self): """ Set this to what is returned for ipython's autocomplete (otherwise the custom ``__getattr__`` caused problems!) """ return self.keys() def __str__(self): """ Define the string method. """ return def __eq__(self, other): """ Define '==' rich comparison methods. True if pulsars have the same name. """ if not isinstance(other, Pulsar): return False return bool( == def __ne__(self, other): """ Define '!=' rich comparison methods. False if pulsars have the same name. """ if not isinstance(other, Pulsar): return True return bool( != def __copy__(self): """ Define how the object should be copied with copy """ attrs = {} for key, value in zip(self.keys(), self.items()): attrs[key] = value newpsr = type(self)(, **attrs) return newpsr
[docs]class Pulsars(object): """ Class to contain multiple :class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsar` objects. """ def __init__(self): self._num_pulsars = 0 # number of pulsars in the object self._psrs = {} # dictionary of Pulsar objects in the object, keyed to the name def __iter__(self): """ Iterator for the class """ for psr in self._psrs: yield psr def __getitem__(self, key): """ Define getitem to get a Pulsar object from the _psrs dictionary """ if key in self._psrs.keys(): return self._psrs[key] return None def __getstate__(self): """ Define to allow pickling. """ return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, d): """ Define to allow pickling. """ self.__dict__.update(d) def __len__(self): """ Define len method as the number of pulsars in the object """ return self._num_pulsars
[docs] def add_pulsar(self, psr): """ Add a pulsar into the object. Args: psr (:class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsar`, :class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsars`): a :class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsar` object, or :class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsars` object """ assert isinstance(psr, (Pulsar, Pulsars)), "psr is not a Pulsar type" if isinstance(psr, Pulsar): if not in self._psrs: self._num_pulsars += 1 # add one pulsar self._psrs[] = psr else: # check for duplicates for psrname in psr: if psrname not in self._psrs.keys(): # don't add duplicates self._psrs[psrname] = psr[psrname] self._num_pulsars += 1
[docs] def remove_pulsar(self, psrname): """ Remove a pulsar from the object. Only do one at a time. Args: psrname (str): a string with the name of a pulsar """ assert isinstance(psrname, str), "psrname is not a string" if psrname in self._psrs: del self._psrs[psrname] self._num_pulsars -= 1
[docs] def pop(self, psrname): """ Remove a pulsar from the object and return the removed pulsar. Args: psrname (str): a string with the name of a pulsar """ assert isinstance(psrname, str), "psrname is not a string" if psrname in self._psrs: self._num_pulsars -= 1 return self._psrs.pop(psrname) return None
def __str__(self): """ Define string method """ return "\n".join([self._psrs[psr].name for psr in self._psrs])