Source code for

The classes defined here are for querying the `ATNF pulsar catalogue
<>`_ and viewing the resulting

import os
import pickle
import re
import warnings

import numpy as np
import astropy
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, ICRS, Galactic, BarycentricMeanEcliptic
from astropy.table.column import MaskedColumn, Column
import astropy.units as aunits
from astropy.constants import c, GM_sun
from astropy.table import Table
from packaging import version

from pandas import concat, DataFrame, Series
from copy import deepcopy

from .utils import CACHEDIR, condition, age_pdot, B_field_pdot, h0_to_q22, q22_to_ellipticity

# set default astropy galactocentric frame values
# (
if version.parse(astropy.__version__) >= version.parse("4.0"):
    from astropy.coordinates import galactocentric_frame_defaults
    _ = galactocentric_frame_defaults.set("pre-v4.0")

[docs]class QueryATNF(object): """ A class to generate a query of the `ATNF pulsar catalogue <>`_. By default, this class will download and cache the latest version of the catalogue database file. The catalogue can be queried for specificpulsar parameters and for specific named pulsars. Conditions on the parameter can be specified. The results will be stored as a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`, but can also be accessed as an :class:`astropy.table.Table`. Args: params (str, :obj:`list`): a list of strings with the pulsar `parameters <>`_ to query. The parameter names are case insensitive. If this is not given, then all parameters will be returned by default. condition (str): a string with logical conditions for the returned parameters. The allowed format of the condition string is given `here <>`_. Defaults to None. psrtype (str, :obj:`list`): a list of strings, or single string, of conditions on the `type <>`_ of pulsars to return (logical AND will be used for any listed types). Defaults to None. assoc (:obj:`list`, str): a condition on the associations of pulsars to return (logical AND will be used for any listed associations). Defaults to None. bincomp (str, :obj:`list`): a list of strings, or single string, of conditions on the `binary <>`_ companion types of pulsars to return (logical AND will be used for any listed associations). Defaults to None. exactmatch (bool): a boolean stating whether associations and types given as the condition should be an exact match. Defaults to False. sort_attr (str): the (case insensitive) parameter name on which with sort the returned pulsars. Defaults to ``JName``. sort_ord (str): the order of the sorting, can be either ``asc`` or ``desc``. Defaults to ascending. psrs (:obj:`list`): a list of pulsar names for which to get the requested parameters. Defaults to None. circular_boundary (:obj:`list`, tuple): a list containing three entries defining the centre (in right ascension and declination), and radius of a circle in which to search for and return pulsars. The first entry is the centre point right ascension as a string in format 'hh:mm:ss', the second entry is the centre point declination as a string in format 'dd:mm:ss', and the final entry is the circle's radius in degrees. This condition will only be applied if viewing the results as an :class:`astropy.table.Table`. Alternatively, `coord1`, `coord2`, and `radius` can be used. coord1 (str): a string containing a right ascension in the format ('hh:mm:ss') that centres a circular boundary in which to search for pulsars (requires coord2 and radius to be set). coord2 (str): a string containing a declination in the format ('dd:mm:ss') that centres a circular boundary in which to search for pulsars (requires coord1 and radius to be set). radius (float): the radius (in degrees) of a circular boundary in which to search for pulsars (requires coord1 and coord2 to be set). include_errs (bool): Set if wanting parameter errors to be returned. Defaults to True. include_refs (bool): Set if wanting to include references tags in the output tables. Defaults to False. adsref (bool): Set if wanting to use an :class:`` to get reference information. Defaults to False. loadfromdb (str): Load a pulsar database file from a given path rather than using the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue database. Defaults to None. loadquery (str): load an instance of :class:`` from the given file, rather than performing a new query. This was `loadfromfile` in earlier versions, which still works but has been deprecated. Defaults to None. cache (bool): Cache the catalogue database file for future use. This is ignored if `loadfromdb` is given. Defaults to True. checkupdate (bool): If True then check whether a cached catalogue file has an update available, and re-download if there is an update. Defaults to False. version (str): the version string (without the leading "v") of the ATNF catalogue version to download. This defaults to "latest" to get the most up-to-date version. frompandas (:class:`pandas.DataFrame`): create a new :class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF` object from an existing :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. fromtable (:class:`astropy.table.Table`): create a new :class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF` object from an existing :class:`astropy.table.Table`. """ def __init__(self, params=None, condition=None, psrtype=None, assoc=None, bincomp=None, exactmatch=False, sort_attr='jname', sort_order='asc', psrs=None, include_errs=True, include_refs=False, adsref=False, loadfromfile=None, loadquery=None, loadfromdb=None, cache=True, checkupdate=False, circular_boundary=None, coord1=None, coord2=None, radius=0., frompandas=None, fromtable=None, version="latest"): if loadfromfile is not None and loadquery is None: loadquery = loadfromfile if loadquery: self.load(loadquery) return self.__dataframe = DataFrame() self.include_errs = include_errs self._include_refs = include_refs self._savefile = None # file to save class to self._loadfile = None # file class loaded from self.condition = condition self.exactmatch = exactmatch self.psrs = psrs self._sort_order = sort_order self.sort_key = sort_attr.upper() self._useads = adsref # conditions for finding pulsars within a circular boundary self._coord1 = coord1 self._coord2 = coord2 self._radius = radius if isinstance(circular_boundary, (list, tuple)): if len(circular_boundary) != 3: raise ValueError("Circular boundary must contain three values") self._coord1 = circular_boundary[0] self._coord2 = circular_boundary[1] self._radius = circular_boundary[2] elif self._coord1 is None or self._coord2 is None or self._radius == 0.: # if any are not set then we can't define a boundary self._coord1 = self._coord2 = '' self._radius = 0. else: if (not isinstance(self._coord1, str) or not isinstance(self._coord2, str)): raise ValueError("Circular boundary centre coordinates must " "be strings") if not isinstance(self._radius, float) and not isinstance(self._radius, int): raise ValueError("Circular boundary radius must be a float or " "int") self._coord = None if self._coord1 and self._coord2 and self._radius != 0.: if params is None: params = [] # set centre coordinate as an astropy SkyCoord self._coord = SkyCoord(self._coord1, self._coord2, unit=(aunits.hourangle, aunits.deg)) # set conditions condparse = self.parse_conditions(psrtype=psrtype, assoc=assoc, bincomp=bincomp) if len(condparse) > 0: if self.condition is None: self.condition = condparse else: self._condition += ' && {}'.format(condparse) self.query_params = params self._refs = None # set of pulsar references self._pulsars = None # gets set to a Pulsars object by get_pulsars() # store passed pandas DataFrame if isinstance(frompandas, DataFrame): self.__dataframe = frompandas.copy() # set version to None if not defined if not hasattr(self.__dataframe, 'version'): self.__dataframe.version = None return # store passed astropy Table if isinstance(fromtable, Table): self.__dataframe = fromtable.to_pandas() # set version if available if 'version' in fromtable.meta: self.__dataframe.version = fromtable.meta['version'] else: self.__dataframe.version = None return # download and cache (if requested) the database file try: _ = self.get_catalogue(path_to_db=loadfromdb, cache=cache, update=checkupdate, version=version) except IOError: raise IOError("Could not get catalogue database file") # perform requested sorting _ = self.sort(inplace=True)
[docs] def get_references(self, useads=False, cache=True): """ Get a dictionary of short reference tags keyed to the full reference string. If requested also get a dictionary of reference tags keyed to NASA ADS URLs for the given reference. This uses the function :func:`psrqpy.utils.get_references`. Args: useads (bool): Set this to True to get the NASA ADS reference URLs. Defaults to False. cache (bool): The flag sets whether or not to use a pre-cached database of references. Defaults to True. """ from .utils import get_references self._refs = None self._adsrefs = None useadst = useads or self._useads if useadst: self._refs, self._adsrefs = get_references(useadst, cache=cache) else: self._refs = get_references(False, cache=cache)
[docs] def parse_ref(self, refs, useads=False): """ This function takes a short format reference string from the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue and returns the full format reference. It can also return a NASA ADS URL if requested and present. Args: refs (str, array_like): a single short reference string, or an array of reference strings. useads (bool): Set whether or not to also return a NASA ADS reference URL if present. Returns: array_like: a single full reference string, or an array of full reference strings. If NASA ADS URLs are requested, each return value will be a tuple containing the reference string and URL. """ useadst = useads or self._useads if self._refs is None: self.get_references(useads=useadst) elif self._adsrefs is None and useadst: self.get_references(useads=useadst) singleref = False if isinstance(refs, str): singleref = True refs = [refs] # check refs is an iterable object if not hasattr(refs, '__iter__'): raise ValueError("Reference tags must be a string or array like") refstrs = [] for ref in refs: if isinstance(ref, str): if ref in self._refs: if useadst: if ref in self._adsrefs: refstrs.append((self._refs[ref], self._adsrefs[ref])) else: refstrs.append((self._refs[ref], None)) else: refstrs.append(self._refs[ref]) else: if useadst: refstrs.append((None, None)) else: refstrs.append(None) else: if useadst: refstrs.append((None, None)) else: refstrs.append(None) # just return a single value if only one input if singleref: return refstrs[0] return refstrs
[docs] def get_catalogue(self, path_to_db=None, cache=True, update=False, overwrite=True, version="latest"): """ Call the :func:`psrqpy.utils.get_catalogue` function to download the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue, or load a given catalogue path. Args: path_to_db (str): if the path to a local version of the database file is given then that will be read in rather than attempting to download the file (defaults to None). cache (bool): cache the downloaded ATNF Pulsar Catalogue file. Defaults to True. This is ignored if `path_to_db` is given. update (bool): if True the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue will be re-downloaded and cached if there has been a change compared to the currently cached version. This is ignored if `path_to_db` is given. overwrite (bool): if True the returned catalogue will overwrite the catalogue currently contained within the :class:`~psrqpy.QueryATNF` class. If False then a new :class:`~psrqpy.QueryATNF` copy of the catalogue will be returned. version (str): the version string (without the leading "v") of the ATNF catalogue version to download. This defaults to "latest" to get the most up-to-date version. Returns: :class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF`: a table containing the catalogue. """ from .utils import get_catalogue cachefile = os.path.join(CACHEDIR, f"query_{version}.pkl") if cache and not update and path_to_db is None: # check if cache file exists try: self.load(cachefile, cleardfonly=True) return self except IOError: pass try: dbtable = get_catalogue(path_to_db=path_to_db, cache=cache, update=update, pandas=True, version=version) except Exception as e: raise RuntimeError("Problem getting catalogue: {}".format(str(e))) if not cache: if not overwrite: newcatalogue = QueryATNF( params=self.query_params, condition=self.condition, exactmatch=self.exactmatch, sort_attr=self._sort_attr, sort_order=self._sort_order, psrs=self.psrs, include_errs=self._include_errs, include_refs=self._include_refs, adsref=self._useads, cache=False, coord1=self._coord1, coord2=self._coord2, radius=self._radius, frompandas=dbtable ) return newcatalogue # update current catalogue self.__dataframe = DataFrame(dbtable) self.__dataframe.version = dbtable.version self._dbfile = path_to_db self._checkupdate = update self._cache = cache # calculate derived parameters self.set_derived() self.parse_types() if cache and path_to_db is None: # save Query to cache file if not os.path.exists(CACHEDIR): try: os.makedirs(CACHEDIR) except OSError: if not os.path.exists(CACHEDIR): raise elif not os.path.isdir(CACHEDIR): raise OSError(f"Query cache directory {CACHEDIR} is not a directory") return self
@property def columns(self): """ Return the table column names. """ return self.__dataframe.columns
[docs] def update(self, column, name=None, overwrite=False): """ Update a column in the internal :class:`pandas.DataFrame` table using :meth:`pandas.DataFrame.update`. If the column does not exist, it will be added to the table. Args: column (:class:`pandas.Series`): a named column of values. name (str): the name of the column (required if `column` is not a :class:`pandas.Series`, or to overwrite the current column name) overwrite (bool): set whether to overwrite non-NA values or not if the column already exists. Defaults to False, so non-NA values will not be overwritten. """ # get column name to update/add if name is not None: # use input `name` by default colname = name else: try: colname = except AttributeError: colname = None if colname is not None: if colname in self.columns: if not isinstance(column, Series): column = Series(column, name=colname) if column.dtype == self.__dataframe[colname].dtype: self.__dataframe.update(column, overwrite=overwrite) else: raise ValueError("Could not update table with " "supplied column") else: try: version = self.catalogue.version # retain version information self.__dataframe = concat([self.catalogue, Series(column, name=name)], axis=1) self.__dataframe.version = version except Exception as e: raise ValueError("Could not add supplied columns to " "table: {}".format(str(e))) else: raise ValueError("No column name given")
@property def sort_key(self): return self._sort_attr @sort_key.setter def sort_key(self, value): """ Set the parameter to sort on. """ if not isinstance(value, str): raise ValueError("Sort parameter must be a string") self._sort_attr = value
[docs] def sort(self, sort_attr='JNAME', sort_order='asc', inplace=False): """ Sort the generated catalogue :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` on a given attribute and in either ascending or descending order. Args: sort_attr (str): The parameter on which to perform the sorting of the query output. Defaults to 'JNAME'. sort_order (str): Set to 'asc' to sort the parameter values in ascending order, or 'desc' to sort in descending order. Defaults to ascending. inplace (bool): If True, and sorting the class' internal :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`, then the sorting will be done in place without returning a copy of the table, otherwise a sorted copy of the table will be returned. Returns: :class:`~pandas.DataFrame`: a table containing the sorted catalogue. """ if sort_attr is not None: self.sort_key = sort_attr.upper() if self.sort_key not in self.columns: raise KeyError("Sorting by attribute '{}' is not possible as it " "is not in the table".format(self.sort_key)) self._sort_order = sort_order # check sort order is either 'asc' or 'desc' (or some synonyms) if self._sort_order.lower() in ['asc', 'ascending', 'up', '^']: self._sort_order = 'asc' elif self._sort_order.lower() in ['desc', 'descending', 'down', 'v']: self._sort_order = 'desc' else: warnings.warn("Unrecognised sort order '{}', defaulting to " "'ascending'".format(sort_order), UserWarning) self._sort_order = 'asc' sortorder = True if self._sort_order == 'asc' else False if inplace: # sort the stored dataframe _ = self.__dataframe.sort_values(self.sort_key, ascending=sortorder, inplace=inplace) return self.__dataframe else: return self.__dataframe.sort_values(self.sort_key, ascending=sortorder)
def __getitem__(self, key): if key in self.pandas.columns: # return astropy table column return self.table[key] else: psrrow = self.get_pulsar(key) if psrrow is None: raise KeyError("Key '{}' not in queried results".format(key)) else: return psrrow def __getstate__(self): """ Define to allow pickling of whole object. See, e.g., """ # Pulsars() object can cause pickling issues (in Python 2.7), so have # workaround from .pulsar import Pulsars if isinstance(self._pulsars, Pulsars): del self._pulsars self._pulsars = True # save ATNF version information from DataFrame separately self._atnf_version = self.catalogue.version return self.__dict__ def __setstate__(self, d): """ Define to allow pickling. """ self.__dict__.update(d) # restore ATNF version info to catalogue self.__dataframe.version = self._atnf_version # Pulsars() object can cause pickling issues (in Python 2.7), so have # workaround if isinstance(self._pulsars, bool): from .pulsar import Pulsars if self._pulsars: # get the Pulsars() object self._pulsars = None _ = self.get_pulsars()
[docs] def save(self, fname): """ Output the :class:`` instance to a pickle file for future loading. Args: fname (str): the filename to output the pickle to """ try: with open(fname, 'wb') as fp: pickle.dump(self, fp, 2) self._savefile = fname except IOError: raise IOError("Error outputing class to pickle file")
[docs] def load(self, fname, cleardfonly=False): """ Load a previously saved pickle of this class. Args: fname (str): the filename of the pickled object cleardfonly (bool): set to True to only clear the catalogue DataFrame from the current object, but leave other attributes intact. """ try: with open(fname, 'rb') as fp: tmpdict = pickle.load(fp) if not cleardfonly: self.__dict__.clear() # clear current self self.__dict__.update(tmpdict.__dict__) else: self.__dict__["_QueryATNF__dataframe"] = tmpdict.__dict__["_QueryATNF__dataframe"] self._loadfile = fname except IOError: raise IOError("Error reading in pickle")
[docs] def as_array(self): """ Returns: :class:`~numpy.ndarray`: the output table as an array. """ return self.table.as_array()
@property def psrs(self): """ Return the name(s) of particular pulsars asked for in the query. """ return self._psrs @psrs.setter def psrs(self, psrnames=None): """ Set a list of names of pulsars to be returned by the query. Args: psrnames (str, list): a list of names, or a single name, of pulsars to be returned by the query. """ # set the pulsar name list if psrnames is None: self._psrs = None else: if isinstance(psrnames, str): self._psrs = [psrnames] elif isinstance(psrnames, list): self._psrs = psrnames elif isinstance(psrnames, np.ndarray): if psrnames.dtype == np.str or psrnames.dtype == np.unicode: self._psrs = psrnames.tolist() else: raise TypeError("psrnames must be a list of strings") else: raise TypeError("psrnames must be a list of strings") @property def num_pulsars(self): """ Return the number of pulsars found in with query """ return len(self) @property def table(self): """ Return a :class:`astropy.table.Table` based on the query. """ # convert to astropy table thistable = Table.from_pandas(self.pandas) # add units if known for key in PSR_ALL_PARS: if key in thistable.colnames: if PSR_ALL[key]['units']: thistable.columns[key].unit = PSR_ALL[key]['units'] if (PSR_ALL[key]['err'] and key+'_ERR' in thistable.colnames): thistable.columns[key+'_ERR'].unit = PSR_ALL[key]['units'] # add catalogue version to metadata thistable.meta['version'] = self.get_version return thistable @property def catalogue_table(self): """ Return the full catalogue as a :class:`astropy.table.Table` without any query conditions applied. Note: in this returned table any references will not be converted into actual reference strings, but will still be the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue tags. """ # convert catalogue to astropy table thistable = Table.from_pandas(self.catalogue) # add units if known for key in PSR_ALL_PARS: if key in thistable.colnames: if PSR_ALL[key]['units']: thistable.columns[key].unit = PSR_ALL[key]['units'] if (PSR_ALL[key]['err'] and key+'_ERR' in thistable.colnames): thistable.columns[key+'_ERR'].unit = PSR_ALL[key]['units'] # add catalogue version to metadata thistable.meta['version'] = self.get_version return thistable @property def empty(self): """ Return True if the :class:`pandas.DataFrame` containing the catalogue is empty. """ return self.__dataframe.empty
[docs] def query_table(self, query_params=None, usecondition=True, usepsrs=True, useseparation=True): """ Return an :class:`astropy.table.Table` from the query with new parameters or conditions if given. Args: query_params (str, list): a parameter, or list of parameters, to return from the query. If this is None then all parameters are returned. usecondition (bool, str): If True then the condition parsed to the :class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF`: class will be used when returning the table. If False no condition will be applied to the returned table. If a string is given then that will be the assumed condition string. usepsrs (bool, str): If True then the list of pulsars parsed to the :class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF`: class will be used when returning the table. If False then all pulsars in the catalogue will be returned. If a string, or list of strings, is given then that will be assumed to be a set of pulsar names to return. useseparation (bool): If True and a set of sky coordinates and radius around which to return pulsars was set in the :class:`psrqpy.QueryATNF`: class then only pulsars within the given radius of the sky position will be returned. Otherwise all pulsars will be returned. Returns: :class:`astropy.table.Table`: a table of the pulsar data returned by the query. """ if not self.empty: # convert to Table if DataFrame is not empty if query_params is None: query_params = self.columns elif isinstance(query_params, str): query_params = [query_params] elif not isinstance(query_params, list): raise TypeError("query_params must be a string or list.") # convert to numpy array query_params = np.array(query_params) # check parameters are in table intab = np.array([par in self.columns for par in query_params]) if not np.all(intab): warnings.warn("Not all request parameters '{}' were in the " "table".format(query_params[~intab].tolist())) if not np.any(intab): warnings.warn("No requested parameters were in the table") # return given the condition expression = None if usecondition is True and isinstance(self.condition, str): expression = self.condition elif isinstance(usecondition, str): expression = usecondition # sort table dftable = self.sort(self.sort_key, self._sort_order) if expression is not None: # apply conditions dftable = condition(dftable, expression, self._exactmatch) # return only requested pulsars if usepsrs and self.psrs is not None: if not isinstance(usepsrs, bool): # copy original pulsars tmppsrs = deepcopy(self.psrs) # set new pulsars self.psrs = usepsrs jnames = np.zeros(len(dftable), dtype=bool) if "JNAME" in dftable.columns: jnames = np.array([psr in self.psrs for psr in dftable["JNAME"]]) bnames = np.zeros(len(dftable), dtype=bool) if "BNAME" in dftable.columns: bnames = np.array([psr in self.psrs for psr in dftable["BNAME"]]) if np.any(jnames) and np.any(bnames): allnames = jnames | bnames elif np.any(jnames): allnames = jnames elif np.any(bnames): allnames = bnames else: raise ValueError("No requested pulsars '{}' were " "found.".format(self.psrs), UserWarning) dftable = dftable[allnames] # reset original pulsar query if not isinstance(usepsrs, bool): self.psrs = tmppsrs # return only requested parameters and convert to table table = Table.from_pandas(dftable[query_params[intab].tolist()]) # add units if known for key in PSR_ALL_PARS: if key in table.colnames: if PSR_ALL[key]["units"]: table.columns[key].unit = PSR_ALL[key]["units"] if PSR_ALL[key]["err"] and key+"_ERR" in table.colnames: table.columns[key+"_ERR"].unit = PSR_ALL[key]["units"] # add catalogue version to metadata table.meta["version"] = self.get_version table.meta["ATNF Pulsar Catalogue"] = ATNF_BASE_URL if (useseparation and self._coord is not None and "RAJ" in table.colnames and "DECJ" in table.colnames): # apply sky coordinate constraint catalog = SkyCoord(table["RAJ"], table["DECJ"], unit=(aunits.hourangle, aunits.deg)) # get seperations d2d = self._coord.separation(catalog) # find seperations within required radius catalogmsk = d2d < self._radius*aunits.deg table = table[catalogmsk] return table else: # return an empty table return Table()
@property def condition(self): """ Return the string of logical conditions applied to the pulsars. """ return self._condition @condition.setter def condition(self, expression): """ Set the logical condition string to apply to queried pulsars. Args: expression (str): A string containing logical expressions to apply to queried pulsars. """ if not isinstance(expression, str) and expression is not None: raise TypeError("Condition must be a string") self._condition = expression @property def include_errs(self): """ Return a boolean stating whether errors are to be included. """ return self._include_errs @include_errs.setter def include_errs(self, inclerr): """ Set whether to include errors with queried pulsars. Args: inclerr (bool): Set to True to include errors. """ if isinstance(inclerr, (bool, int)): self._include_errs = bool(inclerr) else: TypeError("Flag must be boolean") @property def exactmatch(self): """ Return the boolean stating whether certain conditions should apply an exact match. """ return self._exactmatch @exactmatch.setter def exactmatch(self, match): """ Set whether to apply an exact match criterion for certain conditions. Args: match (bool): A boolean stating whether or not to apply an exact match. """ if not isinstance(match, bool): if isinstance(match, int): if match != 0 and match != 1: raise TypeError("Exact match requires boolean") else: raise TypeError("Exact match requires boolean") self._exactmatch = bool(match) @property def query_params(self): """ Return the parameters required for the query. """ return self._query_params @query_params.setter def query_params(self, params): """ Set the parameters with which to query from the catalogue. Args: params (list, str): A list of parameter names to query from the catalogue. """ self._query_params = None if isinstance(params, list): if len(params) == 0: print('No query parameters have been specified') for p in params: if not isinstance(p, str): raise TypeError("Non-string value '{}' found in params " "list".format(p)) self._query_params = [p.upper() for p in params] elif isinstance(params, str): # make sure parameter is all upper case self._query_params = [params.upper()] elif params is not None: raise TypeError("'params' must be a list or string") # remove any duplicate if self._query_params is not None: self._query_params = list(set(self._query_params)) for p in list(self._query_params): if p not in PSR_ALL_PARS: warnings.warn("Parameter '{}' not recognised.".format(p), UserWarning) @property def catalogue(self): """ Return the entire stored :class:`~pandas.DataFrame` catalogue without any sorting or conditions applied. """ return self.__dataframe @property def dataframe(self): """ Return the query table as a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. """ return self.pandas @property def pandas(self): """ Return the query table as a :class:`pandas.DataFrame`. """ # get only required parameters and sort dftable = self.sort(self.sort_key, self._sort_order) if (self._coord is not None and 'RAJD' in dftable.columns and 'DECJD' in dftable.columns): # apply sky coordinate constraint catalog = SkyCoord(dftable['RAJD'], dftable['DECJD'], unit=(aunits.deg, aunits.deg)) # get seperations d2d = self._coord.separation(catalog) # find seperations within required radius catalogmsk = d2d < self._radius*aunits.deg dftable = dftable[catalogmsk] if self._condition is not None: # apply condition dftable = condition(dftable, self._condition, self._exactmatch) # return only requested pulsars if self.psrs is not None: jnames = np.zeros(len(dftable), dtype=bool) if 'JNAME' in dftable.columns: jnames = np.array([psr in self.psrs for psr in dftable['JNAME']]) bnames = np.zeros(len(dftable), dtype=bool) if 'BNAME' in dftable.columns: bnames = np.array([psr in self.psrs for psr in dftable['BNAME']]) if np.any(jnames) and np.any(bnames): allnames = jnames | bnames elif np.any(jnames): allnames = jnames elif np.any(bnames): allnames = bnames else: warnings.warn("No requested pulsars '{}' were " "found.".format(self.psrs), UserWarning) return DataFrame() # empty dataframe dftable = dftable[allnames] # return only the required query parameters if isinstance(self.query_params, list): retpars = list(self.query_params) # return parameters for par in self.query_params: if par in PSR_ALL_PARS: if PSR_ALL[par]['err'] and self._include_errs: retpars.append(par+'_ERR') if PSR_ALL[par]['ref'] and self._include_refs: retpars.append(par+'_REF') retpars = list(set(retpars)) # remove duplicates dftable = dftable[retpars] # reset the indices to zero in the dataframe return dftable.reset_index(drop=True)
[docs] def parse_types(self): """ Parse information in 'ASSOC', 'TYPE', and 'BINCOMP', as described in `<>`_. """ self.parse_assoc() # parse the association parameter self.parse_type() # parse the type parameter self.parse_bincomp() # parse the binary companion parameter
[docs] def parse_assoc(self): """ Parse default string representing source associations, extracting (first) value and reference. Multiple values and references currently not supported. """ if 'ASSOC' not in self.columns: return # Save original parameter in new column ASSOCorig = self.catalogue['ASSOC'].copy() = 'ASSOC_ORIG' self.update(ASSOCorig, name='ASSOC_ORIG') ASSOCnew = self.catalogue['ASSOC'].copy() idxassoc = ~ASSOCnew.isna() # Set references first if 'ASSOC_REF' not in self.columns: ASSOCREFnew = Series(np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U64'), name='ASSOC_REF') else: ASSOCREFnew = self.catalogue['ASSOC_REF'].copy() ASSOCREFnew[idxassoc] = ASSOCnew[idxassoc].apply(lambda x: re.split(r'\]', re.split(r'\[', x)[1])[0] if len(re.split(r'\[', x)) > 1 else np.nan) # Set values ASSOCnew[idxassoc] = ASSOCnew[idxassoc].apply(lambda x: re.split(r'\[|,|\(|:', x)[0]) self.update(ASSOCnew, overwrite=True) self.update(ASSOCREFnew, overwrite=True)
[docs] def parse_type(self): """ Parse default string representing source type, extracting (first) value and reference. Multiple values and references currently not supported. """ if 'TYPE' not in self.columns: return # Save original parameter in new column TYPEorig = self.catalogue['TYPE'].copy() = 'TYPE_ORIG' self.update(TYPEorig, 'TYPE_ORIG') TYPEnew = self.catalogue['TYPE'].copy() idxtype = ~TYPEnew.isna() # Set references first if 'TYPE_REF' not in self.columns: TYPEREFnew = Series(np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U64'), name='TYPE_REF') else: TYPEREFnew = self.catalogue['TYPE_REF'].copy() TYPEREFnew[idxtype] = TYPEnew[idxtype].apply(lambda x: re.split(r'\]', re.split(r'\[', x)[1])[0] if len(re.split(r'\[', x)) > 1 else np.nan) # Set values TYPEnew[idxtype] = TYPEnew[idxtype].apply(lambda x: re.split(r'\[|,|\(|:', x)[0]) self.update(TYPEnew, overwrite=True) self.update(TYPEREFnew, overwrite=True)
[docs] def parse_bincomp(self): """ Parse default string representing source companion type, extracting (first) value and reference. Multiple values and references currently not supported. """ if 'BINCOMP' not in self.columns: return # Save original parameter in new column BINCOMPorig = self.catalogue['BINCOMP'].copy() = 'BINCOMP_ORIG' self.update(BINCOMPorig) BINCOMPnew = self.catalogue['BINCOMP'].copy() idxbincomp = ~BINCOMPnew.isna() # Set references first if 'BINCOMP_REF' not in self.columns: BINCOMPREFnew = Series(np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U64'), name='BINCOMP_REF') else: BINCOMPREFnew = self.catalogue['BINCOMP_REF'].copy() BINCOMPREFnew[idxbincomp] = BINCOMPnew[idxbincomp]\ .apply(lambda x: re.split(r'\]', re.split(r'\[', x)[1])[0] if len(re.split(r'\[', x)) > 1 else np.nan) # Set values BINCOMPnew[idxbincomp] = BINCOMPnew[idxbincomp]\ .apply(lambda x: re.split(r'\[|,|\(|:', x)[0]) self.update(BINCOMPnew, overwrite=True) self.update(BINCOMPREFnew, overwrite=True)
[docs] def set_derived(self): """ Compute any derived parameters and add them to the class. These calculations are based on those in the `readCatalogue.c` and `defineParameters.c` files from the `PSRCAT` `code <>`_. """ self.define_dist() # define the DIST and DIST1 parameters self.derived_ecliptic() # derive the ecliptic coordinates if not given self.derived_equatorial() # derive equatorial coords from ecliptic self.define_galactic() # define the galactic coordinates self.derived_p0() # derive P0 from F0 if not given self.derived_f0() # derive F0 from P0 if not given self.derived_p1() # derive P1 from F1 if not given self.derived_f1() # derive F1 from P1 if not given self.derived_pb() # derive binary period from FB0 self.derived_pbdot() # derive Pbdot from FB1 self.derived_fb0() # derive orbital frequency from period self.derived_fb1() # derive FB1 from PBDOT self.derived_age() # characteristic age self.derived_bsurf() # surface magnetic field self.derived_b_lc() # magnetic field at light cylinder self.derived_edot() # spin-down luminosity self.derived_edotd2() # spin-down flux at Sun self.derived_pmtot() # total proper motion self.derived_vtrans() # transverse velocity self.derived_p1_i() # instrinsic period derivative self.derived_age_i() # intrinsic age self.derived_bsurf_i() # intrinsic Bsurf self.derived_edot_i() # intrinsic luminosity self.derived_flux() # radio flux self.derived_binary() # derived binary parameters self.derived_gw_h0_spindown_limit() # derive GW parameters
[docs] def define_dist(self): """ Set the `DIST` and `DIST1` parameters using other values. """ if 'PX' in self.columns: PX = self.catalogue['PX'] else: PX = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'PX_ERR' in self.columns: PXERR = self.catalogue['PX_ERR'] else: PXERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'DIST_A' in self.columns: DIST_A = self.catalogue['DIST_A'] else: DIST_A = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'DIST_AMN' in self.columns: DIST_AMN = self.catalogue['DIST_AMN'] else: DIST_AMN = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'DIST_AMX' in self.columns: DIST_AMX = self.catalogue['DIST_AMX'] else: DIST_AMX = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'DIST_DM' in self.columns: DIST_DM = self.catalogue['DIST_DM'] else: DIST_DM = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'DIST_DM1' in self.columns: DIST_DM1 = self.catalogue['DIST_DM1'] else: DIST_DM1 = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) # DIST defaults to DM distance DIST = DIST_DM.copy() # DIST1 defaults to DM1 distance DIST1 = DIST_DM1.copy() ONEAU = 149597870. # AU in km (from psrcat.h) ONEPC = 30.857e12 # 1 pc in km (from psrcat.h) idxpx = np.isfinite(PX) & np.isfinite(PXERR) # set distances using parallax if parallax has greater than 3 sigma # significance (and as long as parallax is positive) pxsigma = np.zeros(self.catalogue_len) pxsigma[idxpx] = PX[idxpx]/PXERR[idxpx] # use DIST_A if available idxdista = np.isfinite(DIST_A) DIST[idxdista] = DIST_A[idxdista] DIST1[idxdista] = DIST_A[idxdista] # indexes of parallaxes with greater than 3 sigma significance idxpxgt3 = (pxsigma > 3.) & ~np.isfinite(DIST_A) DIST[idxpxgt3] = (ONEAU/ONEPC)*(60.*60.*180)/(PX[idxpxgt3]*np.pi) DIST1[idxpxgt3] = (ONEAU/ONEPC)*(60.*60.*180)/(PX[idxpxgt3]*np.pi) # if dist_amn and dist_amx exist and dist_dm lies within boundary # then use dist_dm else use the closest limit to dist_dm # if dist_dm is not defined then use (dism_amn + dist_amx)/2 idxdist = np.isfinite(DIST) & ~idxpxgt3 idxdist1 = np.isfinite(DIST1) & ~idxpxgt3 # ignore warnings from comparisons that involve NaN with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): idxa = ~((DIST <= DIST_AMX) & (DIST >= DIST_AMN)) idxa1 = ~((DIST1 <= DIST_AMX) & (DIST1 >= DIST_AMN)) DIST[idxa & idxdist & (DIST >= DIST_AMX)] = DIST_AMX[idxa & idxdist & (DIST >= DIST_AMX)] DIST1[idxa1 & idxdist1 & (DIST1 >= DIST_AMX)] = DIST_AMX[(idxa1 & idxdist1 & (DIST1 >= DIST_AMX))] DIST[idxa & idxdist & (DIST < DIST_AMX)] = DIST_AMN[idxa & idxdist & (DIST < DIST_AMX)] DIST1[idxa1 & idxdist1 & (DIST1 < DIST_AMX)] = DIST_AMN[(idxa1 & idxdist1 & (DIST1 < DIST_AMX))] idxdist = (~np.isfinite(DIST) & ~idxpxgt3 & np.isfinite(DIST_AMN) & np.isfinite(DIST_AMX)) idxdist1 = (~np.isfinite(DIST) & ~idxpxgt3 & np.isfinite(DIST_AMN) & np.isfinite(DIST_AMX)) DIST[idxdist] = 0.5*(DIST_AMN[idxdist] + DIST_AMX[idxdist]) DIST1[idxdist1] = 0.5*(DIST_AMN[idxdist1] + DIST_AMX[idxdist1]) self.update(DIST, name='DIST') self.update(DIST1, name='DIST1')
[docs] def derived_equatorial(self): """ Calculate equatorial coordinates if only ecliptic coordinates are given. Errors on ecliptical coordinates are converted into equavalent errors on equatorial coordinates using a different algorithm to that used in `psrcat`. """ reqpar = ['ELONG', 'ELAT'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpar]): return ELONG = self.catalogue['ELONG'] ELAT = self.catalogue['ELAT'] RAJDnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) DECJDnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) RAJnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') DECJnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') idx = np.isfinite(ELONG) & np.isfinite(ELAT) # get sky coordinates sc = BarycentricMeanEcliptic( ELONG.values[idx]*aunits.deg, ELAT.values[idx]*aunits.deg ).transform_to(ICRS()) RAJDnew[idx] = sc.ra.value DECJDnew[idx] = sc.dec.value RAJnew[idx] ='hourangle').to_string(sep=':', pad=True) DECJnew[idx] = sc.dec.to_string(sep=':', pad=True, alwayssign=True) self.update(RAJDnew, name='RAJD') self.update(DECJDnew, name='DECJD') self.update(RAJnew, name='RAJ') self.update(DECJnew, name='DECJ') reqpar = ['ELONG_ERR', 'ELAT_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpar]): ELONG_ERR = self.catalogue['ELONG_ERR'].values.copy() ELAT_ERR = self.catalogue['ELAT_ERR'].values.copy() RAJD_ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) DECJD_ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) RAJ_ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) DECJ_ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idxerr = idx & np.isfinite(ELONG_ERR) & np.isfinite(ELAT_ERR) # get position angle towards Northern ecliptic pole and rotate # ecliptical error ellipse to equatorial coordinates # (Jean Meeus, Astronomal Algorithms, 2nd edition, p. 100) ecl = 23.4392911 * aunits.deg l, b = ELONG.values[idxerr] * aunits.deg, ELAT.values[idxerr] * aunits.deg el, eb = ELONG_ERR[idxerr], ELAT_ERR[idxerr] elcosb = el * np.cos(b) q = np.arctan2( np.cos(l) * np.tan(ecl), np.sin(b) * np.sin(l) * np.tan(ecl) - np.cos(b) ) cq, sq = np.cos(q), np.sin(q) eracosdec, edec = np.abs(elcosb * cq - eb * sq), np.abs(elcosb * sq + eb * cq) era = eracosdec / np.cos(np.deg2rad(DECJDnew[idxerr])) RAJD_ERRnew[idxerr] = era DECJD_ERRnew[idxerr] = edec RAJ_ERRnew[idxerr] = 3600 * era / 15 DECJ_ERRnew[idxerr] = 3600 * edec self.update(RAJD_ERRnew, name='RAJD_ERR') self.update(DECJD_ERRnew, name='DECJD_ERR') self.update(RAJ_ERRnew, name='RAJ_ERR') self.update(DECJ_ERRnew, name='DECJ_ERR') # set references if 'ELONG_REF' in self.columns: RAJREFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') DECJREFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') ELONGREF = self.catalogue['ELONG_REF'] DECJREFnew[idx] = ELONGREF[idx] RAJREFnew[idx] = ELONGREF[idx] self.update(DECJREFnew, name='RAJ_REF') self.update(RAJREFnew, name='DECJ_REF') # get PMRA and PMDEC if not given reqpar = ['PMELONG', 'PMELAT'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpar]): PMELONG = self.catalogue['PMELONG'] PMELAT = self.catalogue['PMELAT'] PMRAnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMDECnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = idx & np.isfinite(PMELONG) & np.isfinite(PMELAT) sc = BarycentricMeanEcliptic( ELONG[idx].values*aunits.deg, ELAT[idx].values*aunits.deg, pm_lon_coslat=PMELONG[idx].values*aunits.mas/aunits.yr, pm_lat=PMELAT[idx].values*aunits.mas/aunits.yr ).transform_to(ICRS()) PMRAnew[idx] = sc.pm_ra_cosdec.value PMDECnew[idx] = sc.pm_dec.value self.update(PMRAnew, name='PMRA') self.update(PMDECnew, name='PMDEC')
[docs] def derived_ecliptic(self): """ Calculate the ecliptic coordinates, and proper motions, from the right ascension and declination if they are not already given. The ecliptic used here is the astropy's `BarycentricMeanEcliptic <>`_ (note that this does not include nutation unlike the `BarycentricTrueEcliptic <>`_ for which a bug fix was added in `astropy 3.2 <>`_), which may not exactly match that used in `psrcat`. """ reqpar = ['RAJD', 'DECJD'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpar]): return RAJD = self.catalogue['RAJD'] DECJD = self.catalogue['DECJD'] ELONGnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) ELATnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(RAJD) & np.isfinite(DECJD) # get sky coordinates sc = SkyCoord(RAJD[idx].values*aunits.deg, DECJD[idx].values*aunits.deg) ELONGnew[idx] = sc.barycentricmeanecliptic.lon.value ELATnew[idx] = self.update(ELONGnew, name='ELONG') self.update(ELATnew, name='ELAT') # get references refpar = ['RAJ_REF', 'DECJ_REF'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in refpar]): RAJREF = self.catalogue['RAJ_REF'] DECJREF = self.catalogue['DECJ_REF'] ELONGREFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') ELATREFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') ELONGREFnew[idx] = RAJREF[idx] ELATREFnew[idx] = DECJREF[idx] self.update(ELONGREFnew, name='ELONG_REF') self.update(ELATREFnew, name='ELAT_REF') # get PMELONG and PMELAT if not given reqpar = ['PMRA', 'PMDEC'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpar]): PMELONGnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMELATnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMRA = self.catalogue['PMRA'] PMDEC = self.catalogue['PMDEC'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(PMRA) & np.isfinite(PMDEC) sc = ICRS( RAJD[idx].values*aunits.deg, DECJD[idx].values*aunits.deg, pm_ra_cosdec=PMRA[idx].values*aunits.mas/aunits.yr, pm_dec=PMDEC[idx].values*aunits.mas/aunits.yr ).transform_to(BarycentricMeanEcliptic()) PMELONGnew[idx] = sc.pm_lon_coslat.value PMELATnew[idx] = sc.pm_lat.value self.update(PMELONGnew, name='PMELONG') self.update(PMELATnew, name='PMELAT')
[docs] def define_galactic(self): """ Calculate the galactic longitude, latitude and position. .. note:: The cartesian galactic coordinates returned by this function *do not* match those returned by the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue and the ``psrcat`` software. They are defined using the conventions in the :class:`astropy.coordinates.Galactocentric` class. This uses a Galactic centre distance of 8.3 kpc compared to 8.5 kpc in ``psrcat`` and rotated 90 degrees anticlockwise compared to ``psrcat``. The Galactic coordinate proper motions returned by this function *do not* match those returned by the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue and the ``psrcat`` software. The values returned here convert the observed proper motions in right ascension and declination (or elliptic longitude and latitude) into equivalent values in the Galactic coordinate system (via the :class:`astropy.coordinates.Galactic` class). However, the values returned by the ATNF Pulsar Catalogue and the ``psrcat`` software are in the Galactic cooridinate system, but additionally have the local solar system velocity and Galactic rotation of the pulsar removed from them as described in Section 3 of `Harrison, Lyne & Anderson (1993) <>`_. """ galpars = ['GL', 'GB', 'ZZ', 'XX', 'YY', 'DMSINB'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in galpars]): return reqpars = ['RAJD', 'DECJD'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return # get distance if required if 'DIST' not in self.columns: self.define_dist() if 'DIST' not in self.columns: return RAJD = self.catalogue['RAJD'].values.copy() DECJD = self.catalogue['DECJD'].values.copy() DIST = self.catalogue['DIST'].values.copy() GL = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) GB = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(RAJD) & np.isfinite(DECJD) & np.isfinite(DIST) # get sky coordinates sc = SkyCoord(RAJD[idx]*aunits.deg, DECJD[idx]*aunits.deg, DIST[idx]*aunits.kpc) GL[idx] = sc.galactic.l.value GB[idx] = sc.galactic.b.value # set galactic longitude and latitude self.update(GL, name='GL') self.update(GB, name='GB') XX = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) YY = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) ZZ = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) # set galactocentric cartesian position (these seem to have a # different orientation (rotated 90 deg anticlockwise) to that # defined in the ATNF catalogue, and using a slightly different # distance to the galactic centre 8.3 kpc in astropy and 8.5 in psrcat) XX[idx] = sc.galactocentric.cartesian.x.value YY[idx] = sc.galactocentric.cartesian.y.value ZZ[idx] = sc.galactocentric.cartesian.z.value self.update(XX, name='XX') self.update(YY, name='YY') self.update(ZZ, name='ZZ') # set DMSINB if 'DM' in self.columns: DM = self.catalogue['DM'] GB = self.catalogue['GB'] DMSINB = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(GB) & np.isfinite(DM) DMSINB[idx] = DM[idx]*np.sin(np.deg2rad(GB[idx])) self.update(DMSINB, name='DMSINB') # galactic proper motion (in the Local Standard of Rest) if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['PMB', 'PML']]): reqpar = ['PMRA', 'PMDEC'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpar]): PMRA = self.catalogue['PMRA'].values.copy() PMDEC = self.catalogue['PMDEC'].values.copy() PMB = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PML = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = (np.isfinite(PMRA) & np.isfinite(PMDEC) & np.isfinite(RAJD) & np.isfinite(DECJD) & np.isfinite(DIST)) sc = ICRS(RAJD[idx]*aunits.deg, DECJD[idx]*aunits.deg, distance=DIST[idx]*aunits.kpc, pm_ra_cosdec=PMRA[idx]*aunits.mas/aunits.yr, pm_dec=PMDEC[idx]*aunits.mas/aunits.yr ).transform_to(Galactic()) PMB[idx] = sc.pm_b.value PML[idx] = sc.pm_l_cosb.value self.update(PMB, name='PMB') self.update(PML, name='PML')
[docs] def derived_binary(self): """ Calculate derived binary system parameters. """ MASS_PSR = 1.35 # canonical pulsar mass (solar masses) # derive mass function reqpars = ['A1', 'PB'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): A1 = self.catalogue['A1'].values.copy()*c.value # convert to m PB = self.catalogue['PB'].values.copy()*86400. # convert to sec idx = np.isfinite(A1) & np.isfinite(PB) MASSFN = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) MASSFN[idx] = (4.*np.pi**2/GM_sun.value)*A1[idx]**3/(PB[idx]**2) self.update(MASSFN, name='MASSFN') # derive minimum, median and 90% UL for mass MINMASS = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) MEDMASS = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) UPRMASS = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) from scipy.optimize import newton def solfunc(m2, sini, mf, m1): return (m1 + m2)**2 - (m2*sini)**3/mf SINI_MIN = 1.0 # inclination for minimum mass SINI_MED = 0.866025403 # inclination of 60deg for median mass SINI_90 = 0.438371146 # inclination for 90% UL mass for i, mf in enumerate(MASSFN): if ~np.isfinite(mf): continue try: MINMASS[i] = newton(solfunc, MASS_PSR, args=(SINI_MIN, mf, MASS_PSR), maxiter=1000) except RuntimeError: MINMASS[i] = np.nan try: MEDMASS[i] = newton(solfunc, MASS_PSR, args=(SINI_MED, mf, MASS_PSR), maxiter=1000) except RuntimeError: MEDMASS[i] = np.nan try: UPRMASS[i] = newton(solfunc, MASS_PSR, args=(SINI_90, mf, MASS_PSR), maxiter=1000) except RuntimeError: UPRMASS[i] = np.nan self.update(MINMASS, name='MINMASS') self.update(MEDMASS, name='MEDMASS') self.update(UPRMASS, name='UPRMASS') # add uncertainty on mass function reqpars = ['A1_ERR', 'PB_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): # convert to metres A1ERR = self.catalogue['A1_ERR'].values.copy()*c.value # convert to seconds PBERR = self.catalogue['PB_ERR'].values.copy()*86400. idx = (np.isfinite(MASSFN) & np.isfinite(A1ERR) & np.isfinite(PBERR)) MASSFN_ERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) MASSFN_ERR[idx] = ( MASSFN[idx] * np.sqrt((3.*A1ERR[idx]/A1[idx])**2 + (2.*PBERR[idx]/PB[idx])**2) ) self.update(MASSFN_ERR, name='MASSFN_ERR') # derive eccentricity from EPS1 and EPS2 reqpars = ['EPS1', 'EPS2'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): EPS1 = self.catalogue['EPS1'].values.copy() EPS2 = self.catalogue['EPS2'].values.copy() ECCnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) OMnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(EPS1) & np.isfinite(EPS2) # set eccentricities ECCnew[idx] = np.sqrt(EPS1[idx]**2+EPS2[idx]**2) self.update(ECCnew, name='ECC') # set angle of peristron idxn = idx & (ECCnew != 0.) OMnew[idxn] = np.arctan2(EPS1[idxn], EPS2[idxn])*180./np.pi with np.errstate(invalid='ignore'): OMnew = np.mod(OMnew+360., 360.) # make sure angles are positive self.update(OMnew, name='OM') # set errors reqpars = ['EPS1_ERR', 'EPS2_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): EPS1ERR = self.catalogue['EPS1_ERR'].values.copy() EPS2ERR = self.catalogue['EPS2_ERR'].values.copy() ECCERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) OMERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idxn = idx & (np.isfinite(EPS1ERR) & np.isfinite(EPS2ERR) & (ECCnew != 0.)) OMERRnew[idxn] = ( np.sqrt((EPS2[idxn]*EPS1ERR[idxn])**2 + (EPS1[idxn]*EPS2ERR[idxn])**2) / (ECCnew[idxn])**2 )*180.0/np.pi self.update(OMERRnew, name='OM_ERR') ECCERRnew[idxn] = ( np.sqrt((EPS1[idxn]*EPS1ERR[idxn])**2 + (EPS2[idxn]*EPS2ERR[idxn])**2) / ECCnew[idxn] ) self.update(ECCERRnew, name='ECC_ERR') # derive EPS1 and EPS2 from ECC and OM reqpars = ['ECC', 'OM'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): ECC = self.catalogue['ECC'].values.copy() OM = self.catalogue['OM'].values.copy() EPS1new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) EPS2new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(ECC) & np.isfinite(OM) EPS1new[idx] = ECC[idx] * np.sin(OM[idx]) EPS2new[idx] = ECC[idx] * np.cos(OM[idx]) self.update(EPS1new, name='EPS1') self.update(EPS2new, name='EPS2') # set errors reqpars = ['ECC_ERR', 'OM_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): ECCERR = self.catalogue['ECC_ERR'].values.copy() OMERR = self.catalogue['OM_ERR'].values.copy() EPS1ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) EPS2ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idxn = idx & np.isfinite(ECCERR) & np.isfinite(OMERR) EPS1ERRnew[idxn] = ( np.abs(EPS1new[idxn]) * np.sqrt((ECCERR[idxn]/ECC[idxn])**2 + (np.abs(np.cos(np.deg2rad(OM[idxn]))) * np.deg2rad(OMERR[idxn]) / np.abs(np.sin(np.deg2rad(OM[idxn]))))**2) ) EPS2ERRnew[idxn] = ( np.abs(EPS2new[idxn]) * np.sqrt((ECCERR[idxn]/ECC[idxn])**2 + (np.abs(np.sin(np.deg2rad(OM[idxn]))) * np.deg2rad(OMERR[idxn]) / np.abs(np.cos(np.deg2rad(OM[idxn]))))**2) ) self.update(EPS1ERRnew, name='EPS1_ERR') self.update(EPS2ERRnew, name='EPS2_ERR') # derive MINOMDOT reqpars = ['ECC', 'PB', 'MINMASS'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): MINMASS = self.catalogue['MINMASS'].values.copy() PB = self.catalogue['PB'].values.copy()*86400. ECC = self.catalogue['ECC'].values.copy() MINOMDOT = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(MINMASS) & np.isfinite(PB) & np.isfinite(ECC) MINOMDOT[idx] = (3.*(2.*np.pi/PB[idx])**(5./3.) * ((MASS_PSR+MINMASS[idx]) * 4.925490946e-6)**(2./3.) / (1.-ECC[idx]**2)) MINOMDOT[idx] = np.rad2deg(MINOMDOT[idx])*86400.*365.25 self.update(MINOMDOT, name='MINOMDOT')
[docs] def derived_p0(self): """ Calculate the period from the frequency in cases where period is not given. """ if 'F0' not in self.columns: return F0 = self.catalogue['F0'] P0new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) # find indices where P0 needs to be set from F0 idx = np.isfinite(F0) P0new[idx] = 1./F0[idx] self.update(P0new, name='P0') # set the references if 'F0_REF' in self.columns: P0REFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') F0REF = self.catalogue['F0_REF'] P0REFnew[idx] = F0REF[idx] self.update(P0REFnew, 'P0_REF') # set the errors if 'F0_ERR' in self.columns: P0ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) F0ERR = self.catalogue['F0_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(F0ERR) P0ERRnew[idx] = F0ERR[idx]*P0new[idx]**2 self.update(P0ERRnew, 'P0_ERR')
[docs] def derived_f0(self): """ Calculate the frequency from the period in cases where frequency is not given. """ if 'P0' not in self.columns: return P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] F0new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) # find indices where F0 needs to be set from P0 idx = np.isfinite(P0) F0new[idx] = 1./P0[idx] self.update(F0new, name='F0') # set the references if 'P0_REF' in self.columns: F0REFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') P0REF = self.catalogue['P0_REF'] F0REFnew[idx] = P0REF[idx] self.update(F0REFnew, name='F0_REF') # set the errors if 'P0_ERR' in self.columns: F0ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) P0ERR = self.catalogue['P0_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(P0ERR) F0ERRnew[idx] = P0ERR[idx]*F0new[idx]**2 self.update(F0ERRnew, name='F0_ERR')
[docs] def derived_p1(self): """ Calculate the period derivative from the frequency derivative in cases where period derivative is not given. """ reqpars = ['P0', 'F1'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] F1 = self.catalogue['F1'] P1new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) # find indices where P0 needs to be set from F0 idx = np.isfinite(P0) & np.isfinite(F1) P1new[idx] = -(P0[idx]**2)*F1[idx] self.update(P1new, name='P1') # set the references if 'F1_REF' in self.columns: P1REFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') F1REF = self.catalogue['F1_REF'] P1REFnew[idx] = F1REF[idx] self.update(P1REFnew, name='P1_REF') # set the errors reqpars = ['F0_ERR', 'F1_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): P1ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) F1ERR = self.catalogue['F1_ERR'] F0ERR = self.catalogue['F0_ERR'] idx = idx & (np.isfinite(F1ERR) & np.isfinite(F0ERR)) P1ERRnew[idx] = np.sqrt( (P0[idx]**2*F1ERR[idx])**2 + (2.0*P0[idx]**3*F1[idx]*F0ERR[idx])**2) self.update(P1ERRnew, name='P1_ERR')
[docs] def derived_f1(self): """ Calculate the frequency derivative from the period derivative in cases where frequency derivative is not given. """ reqpars = ['F0', 'P1'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return F0 = self.catalogue['F0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] F1new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) # find indices where P0 needs to be set from F0 idx = np.isfinite(P1) & np.isfinite(F0) F1new[idx] = -(F0[idx]**2)*P1[idx] self.update(F1new, name='F1') # set the references if 'P1_REF' in self.columns: F1REFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') P1REF = self.catalogue['P1_REF'] F1REFnew[idx] = P1REF[idx] self.update(F1REFnew, name='F1_REF') # set the errors reqpars = ['P0_ERR', 'P1_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): F1ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) P1ERR = self.catalogue['P1_ERR'] P0ERR = self.catalogue['P0_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(P1ERR) & np.isfinite(P0ERR) F1ERRnew[idx] = np.sqrt( (F0[idx]**2*P1ERR[idx])**2 + (2.0*F0[idx]**3*P1[idx]*P0ERR[idx])**2) self.update(F1ERRnew, name='F1_ERR')
[docs] def derived_pb(self): """ Calculate binary orbital period from orbital frequency. """ if 'FB0' not in self.columns: return FB0 = self.catalogue['FB0'] PBnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(FB0) PBnew[idx] = 1./(FB0[idx]*86400.) self.update(PBnew, name='PB') # set the references if 'FB0_REF' in self.columns: PBREFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') FB0REF = self.catalogue['FB0_REF'] PBREFnew[idx] = FB0REF[idx] self.update(PBREFnew, name='PB_REF') # set the errors if 'FB0_ERR' in self.columns: PBERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) FB0ERR = self.catalogue['FB0_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(FB0ERR) PBERRnew[idx] = FB0ERR[idx]*PBnew[idx]**2*86400. self.update(PBERRnew, name='PB_ERR')
[docs] def derived_pbdot(self): """ Calculate binary orbital period derivative from orbital frequency derivative. """ reqpars = ['FB1', 'PB'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return FB1 = self.catalogue['FB1'] PB = self.catalogue['PB'] PBDOTnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(PB) & np.isfinite(FB1) PBDOTnew[idx] = -(PB[idx]**2*FB1[idx]) self.update(PBDOTnew, name='PBDOT') # set the references if 'FB1_REF' in self.columns: PBDOTREFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') FB1REF = self.catalogue['FB1_REF'] PBDOTREFnew[idx] = FB1REF[idx] self.update(PBDOTREFnew, name='PBDOT_REF') # set the errors reqpars = ['FB1_ERR', 'FB0_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): PBDOTERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) FB1ERR = self.catalogue['FB1_ERR'] FB0ERR = self.catalogue['FB0_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(FB1ERR) & np.isfinite(FB0ERR) PBDOTERRnew[idx] = np.sqrt((PB[idx]**2 * FB1ERR[idx])**2 + (2.0 * PB[idx]**3 * FB1[idx] * FB0ERR[idx])**2) self.update(PBDOTERRnew, name='PBDOT_ERR')
[docs] def derived_fb0(self): """ Calculate orbital frequency from orbital period. """ if 'PB' not in self.columns: return PB = self.catalogue['PB'] FB0new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(PB) FB0new[idx] = 1./(PB[idx]*86400.) self.update(FB0new, name='FB0') # set the references if 'PB_REF' in self.columns: FB0REFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') PBREF = self.catalogue['PB_REF'] FB0REFnew[idx] = PBREF[idx] self.update(FB0REFnew, name='FB0_REF') # set the errors if 'PB_ERR' in self.columns: FB0ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PBERR = self.catalogue['PB_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(PBERR) FB0ERRnew[idx] = PBERR[idx]*(FB0new[idx]**2)*86400. self.update(FB0ERRnew, name='FB0_ERR')
[docs] def derived_fb1(self): """ Calculate the orbital frequency derivative from the binary orbital period derivative. """ reqpars = ['PBDOT', 'FB0'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return PBDOT = self.catalogue['PBDOT'] FB0 = self.catalogue['FB0'] FB1new = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(FB0) & np.isfinite(PBDOT) FB1new[idx] = -(FB0[idx]**2*PBDOT[idx]) self.update(FB1new, name='FB1') # set the references if 'PBDOT_REF' in self.columns: FB1REFnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, '', dtype='U32') PBDOTREF = self.catalogue['PBDOT_REF'] FB1REFnew[idx] = PBDOTREF[idx] self.update(FB1REFnew, name='FB1_REF') # set the errors reqpars = ['PBDOT_ERR', 'PB_ERR'] if np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): FB1ERRnew = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PBDOTERR = self.catalogue['PBDOT_ERR'] PBERR = self.catalogue['PB_ERR'] idx = idx & np.isfinite(PBERR) & np.isfinite(PBDOTERR) FB1ERRnew[idx] = np.sqrt( (FB0[idx]**2 * PBDOTERR[idx])**2 + (2.0 * FB0[idx]**3 * PBDOT[idx] * PBERR[idx] * 86400.)**2) self.update(FB1ERRnew, name='FB1_ERR')
[docs] def derived_p1_i(self): """ Calculate the intrinsic period derivative. """ if 'VTRANS' not in self.columns: self.derived_vtrans() reqpars = ['VTRANS', 'P0', 'P1', 'DIST'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return # get required parameters VTRANS = self.catalogue['VTRANS'] P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] DIST = self.catalogue['DIST'] P1I = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = (np.isfinite(P1) & np.isfinite(P0) & np.isfinite(VTRANS) & np.isfinite(DIST)) P1I[idx] = ((P1[idx]/1.0e-15) - VTRANS[idx]**2 * 1.0e10 * P0[idx] / (DIST[idx] * 3.086e6)/2.9979e10) * 1.0e-15 self.update(P1I, name='P1_I')
[docs] def derived_age(self): """ Calculate the characteristic age in years (see :func:`~psrqpy.utils.characteristic_age`, with an assumed braking index of n=3). """ from .utils import characteristic_age if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] AGE = characteristic_age(P0, P1) self.update(AGE, name='AGE')
[docs] def derived_age_i(self): """ Calculate the characteristic age (in years), dervied from period and intrinsic period derivative. """ from .utils import characteristic_age if 'P1_I' not in self.columns: self.derived_p1_i() if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1_I']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1_I = self.catalogue['P1_I'] AGEI = characteristic_age(P0, P1_I) self.update(AGEI, name='AGE_I')
[docs] def derived_bsurf(self): """ Calculate the surface magnetic field strength (see :func:`~psrqpy.utils.B_field`). """ from .utils import B_field if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] BSURF = B_field(P0, P1) self.update(BSURF, name='BSURF')
[docs] def derived_bsurf_i(self): """ Calculate the surface magnetic field strength, dervied from period and intrinsic period derivative. """ from .utils import B_field if 'P1_I' not in self.columns: self.derived_p1_i() if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1_I']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1_I = self.catalogue['P1_I'] BSURFI = B_field(P0, P1_I) self.update(BSURFI, name='BSURF_I')
[docs] def derived_gw_h0_spindown_limit(self): """ Calculate the limit on the gravitational-wave emission amplitude at Earth assuming all rotational kinetic energy is lost via gravitational-waves generated from an l=m=2 mass quadrupole (i.e., a braking index of n=5). This uses the intrinsic spin-down values rather than the observed spin-downs. """ from .utils import gw_h0_spindown_limit, pdot_to_fdot if 'P1_I' not in self.columns: self.derived_p1_i() if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ["F0", "P1_I", "P1", "DIST"]]): return F0 = self.catalogue["F0"] P1I = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(self.catalogue["P1_I"]) P1I[idx] = self.catalogue["P1_I"][idx] # where P1_I is not present use P1 idx = ~idx & np.isfinite(self.catalogue["P1"]) P1I[idx] = self.catalogue["P1"][idx] F1_I = pdot_to_fdot(P1I, frequency=F0) DIST = self.catalogue["DIST"] H0UL = gw_h0_spindown_limit(frequency=F0, fdot=F1_I, distance=DIST) self.update(H0UL, name="H0_SD")
[docs] def derived_b_lc(self): """ Calculate the magnetic field strength at the light cylinder. """ if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] BLC = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = (P1 > 0.) & np.isfinite(P1) & np.isfinite(P0) BLC[idx] = 3.0e8*np.sqrt(P1[idx])*np.abs(P0[idx])**(-5./2.) self.update(BLC, name='B_LC')
[docs] def derived_edot(self): """ Calculate the spin-down luminosity. """ if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] EDOT = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = (P1 > 0.) & np.isfinite(P1) & np.isfinite(P0) EDOT[idx] = 4.0 * np.pi**2 * 1e45 * P1[idx] / P0[idx]**3 self.update(EDOT, name='EDOT')
[docs] def derived_edot_i(self): """ Calculate the spin-down luminosity, dervied from period and intrinsic period derivative. """ if 'P1_I' not in self.columns: self.derived_p1_i() if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['P0', 'P1_I']]): return # get period and period derivative P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1_I = self.catalogue['P1_I'] EDOT_I = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = (P1_I > 0.) & np.isfinite(P1_I) & np.isfinite(P0) EDOT_I[idx] = 4.0 * np.pi**2 * 1e45 * P1_I[idx] / P0[idx]**3 self.update(EDOT_I, name='EDOT_I')
[docs] def derived_edotd2(self): """ Calculate the spin-down luminosity flux at the Sun. """ reqpars = ['P0', 'P1', 'DIST'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return # get period, period derivative and distance P0 = self.catalogue['P0'] P1 = self.catalogue['P1'] DIST = self.catalogue['DIST'] EDOTD2 = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = (P0 > 0.) & np.isfinite(P1) & np.isfinite(P0) & np.isfinite(DIST) EDOTD2[idx] = 4.0*np.pi**2*1e45*((P1[idx]/P0[idx]**3)/DIST[idx]**2) self.update(EDOTD2, name='EDOTD2')
[docs] def derived_pmtot(self): """ Calculate the total proper motion and error. """ reqpars = ['PMRA', 'PMDEC', 'PMELONG', 'PMELAT'] if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars]): return # get PMRA and PMDEC PMRA = self.catalogue['PMRA'].copy() PMDEC = self.catalogue['PMDEC'].copy() PMELONG = self.catalogue['PMELONG'] PMELAT = self.catalogue['PMELAT'] # use PM ELONG or ELAT if no RA and DEC useelong = ~np.isfinite(PMRA) & np.isfinite(PMELONG) useelat = ~np.isfinite(PMDEC) & np.isfinite(PMELAT) PMRA[useelong] = PMELONG[useelong] PMDEC[useelat] = PMELAT[useelat] PMTOT = np.sqrt(PMRA**2+PMDEC**2) self.update(PMTOT, name='PMTOT') # get the error reqpars1 = ['PMRA_ERR', 'PMDEC_ERR'] reqpars2 = ['PMELONG_ERR', 'PMELAT_ERR'] if (not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars1]) and not np.all([p in self.columns for p in reqpars2])): return if 'PMRA_ERR' in self.columns: PMRA_ERR = self.catalogue['PMRA_ERR'].copy() else: PMRA_ERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'PMDEC_ERR' in self.columns: PMDEC_ERR = self.catalogue['PMDEC_ERR'].copy() else: PMDEC_ERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'PMELONG_ERR' in self.columns: PMELONG_ERR = self.catalogue['PMELONG_ERR'].copy() else: PMELONG_ERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) if 'PMELAT_ERR' in self.columns: PMELAT_ERR = self.catalogue['PMELAT_ERR'].copy() else: PMELAT_ERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMLAT = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMLONG = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMLATERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) PMLONGERR = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(PMELONG) & np.isfinite(PMELONG_ERR) PMLONG[idx] = PMELONG[idx] PMLONGERR[idx] = PMELONG_ERR[idx] idx = np.isfinite(PMRA) & np.isfinite(PMRA_ERR) PMLONG[idx] = PMRA[idx] PMLONGERR[idx] = PMRA_ERR[idx] idx = np.isfinite(PMELAT) & np.isfinite(PMELAT_ERR) PMLAT[idx] = PMELAT[idx] PMLATERR[idx] = PMELAT_ERR[idx] idx = np.isfinite(PMDEC) & np.isfinite(PMDEC_ERR) PMLAT[idx] = PMDEC[idx] PMLATERR[idx] = PMDEC_ERR[idx] PMTOTERR = np.sqrt(((PMLONG*PMLONGERR)**2+(PMLAT*PMLATERR)**2) / (PMLONG**2 + PMLAT**2)) self.update(PMTOTERR, name='PMTOT_ERR')
[docs] def derived_vtrans(self): """ Calculate the transverse velocity. """ if 'PMTOT' not in self.columns: self.derived_pmtot() if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['PMTOT', 'DIST']]): return PMTOT = self.catalogue['PMTOT'] DIST = self.catalogue['DIST'] VTRANS = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(PMTOT) & np.isfinite(DIST) VTRANS[idx] = (PMTOT[idx] * np.pi / (1000.0*3600.0*180.0*365.25 * 86400.0))*3.086e16*DIST[idx] self.update(VTRANS, name='VTRANS')
[docs] def derived_flux(self): """ Calculate spectral index between 400 and 1400 MHz and radio flux at 400 and 1400 MHz. """ if not np.all([p in self.columns for p in ['S1400', 'S400']]): return S1400 = self.catalogue['S1400'] S400 = self.catalogue['S400'] SI414 = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(S1400) & np.isfinite(S400) & (S1400 > 0.) & (S400 > 0.) fac = np.log10(400.0/1400.0) SI414[idx] = -(np.log10(S400[idx]/S1400[idx])/fac) self.update(SI414, name='SI414') # need distance for flux if 'DIST' not in self.columns: self.define_dist() if 'DIST' not in self.columns: return DIST = self.catalogue['DIST'] R_LUM = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(S400) & np.isfinite(DIST) R_LUM[idx] = S400[idx] * DIST[idx]**2 self.update(R_LUM, name='R_LUM') R_LUM14 = np.full(self.catalogue_len, np.nan) idx = np.isfinite(S1400) & np.isfinite(DIST) R_LUM14[idx] = S1400[idx] * DIST[idx]**2 self.update(R_LUM14, name='R_LUM14')
[docs] def get_pulsar(self, psr, selected=False): """ Return the table row for a particular pulsar for all the catalogue parameters. Args: psr (str): The name of a pulsar to return. selected (bool): If True then output return a table row containing parameters specified by :meth:`~psrqpy.QueryATNF.query_params`, otherwise return all parameters. Defaults to False. Returns: :class:`astropy.table.Table`: a table row """ namepars = ['PSRJ', 'PSRB', 'BNAME', 'JNAME', 'NAME'] if not np.any([p in self.columns for p in namepars]): warnings.warn("No 'NAME' parameter in table!") return None # try searching for the name in each potential name-type for namepar in namepars: if namepar in self.columns: names = self.catalogue[namepar] if np.any(psr == names): psrrow = self.catalogue_table[(psr == names).tolist()] if selected: return psrrow[self.query_params] else: return psrrow return None
[docs] def get_ephemeris(self, psr, precision=15, selected=False): """ Return the table row for a particular pulsar and output it as an ephemeris-style string output. Args: psr (str): The name of a pulsar to return. precision (int): The precision (number of decimal places) at which to output numbers. Defaults to 15. selected (bool): If True only output the parameters specified by :meth:`~psrqpy.QueryATNF.query_params`, otherwise output all parameters. Defaults to False. Returns: str: an ephemeris """ psr = self.get_pulsar(psr, selected=selected) if psr is None: return None ephemstr = '' # get variables that are set variables = [] values = [] errors = [] for par in PSR_ALL_PARS: if par in psr.columns: parval = psr[par] if type(parval) == MaskedColumn: # required for astropy versions below v4 if not parval.mask[0]: variables.append(par) values.append(parval[0]) if par+'_ERR' in psr.columns: errval = psr[par+'_ERR'] if type(errval) == MaskedColumn: if not errval.mask[0]: errors.append(errval[0]) else: errors.append(None) else: errors.append(errval[0]) else: errors.append(None) elif type(parval) == Column: variables.append(par) values.append(parval[0]) if par+'_ERR' in psr.columns: errval = psr[par+'_ERR'] if type(errval) == MaskedColumn: if not errval.mask[0]: errors.append(errval[0]) else: errors.append(None) else: errors.append(errval[0]) else: errors.append(None) else: raise TypeError("Pulsar contains a non-column type!") mkl = max([len(kn) for kn in variables])+2 # max key length for output alignment vlb = precision + 10 # allow extra space for minus sign/exponents outputstr = '{{name: <{0}}}{{value: <{1}}}\t{{error}}'.format(mkl, vlb) for varname, varval, varerr in zip(variables, values, errors): outputdic = {} outputdic['name'] = varname if isinstance(varval, float): if varval.is_integer(): precstr = '{0:.0f}' # print out an integer else: precstr = '{{0:.{}f}}'.format(precision) # print out float if abs(varval) < 1e-6 or abs(varval) > 1e6: # print out float in scientific notation precstr = '{{0:.{}e}}'.format(precision) if varerr is not None: if varerr.is_integer(): precstre = '{0:.0f}' # print out an integer else: precstre = '{{0:.{}f}}'.format(precision) # print out float if varerr is not None: if abs(varerr) < 1e-6 or abs(varerr) > 1e6: # print out float in scientific notation precstre = '{{0:.{}e}}'.format(precision) outputdic['value'] = precstr.format(varval) outputdic['error'] = precstre.format(varerr) if varerr is not None else '' else: outputdic['value'] = varval if isinstance(varerr, float): precstre = '{{0:.{}f}}'.format(precision) # print out float if abs(varerr) < 1e-6 or abs(varerr) > 1e6: # print out float in scientific notation precstre = '{{0:.{}e}}'.format(precision) outputdic['error'] = precstre.format(varerr) else: outputdic['error'] = '' ephemstr += outputstr.format(**outputdic).strip()+'\n' return ephemstr
[docs] def get_pulsars(self): """ Returns: :class:`psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsars`: the queried pulsars returned as a :class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsars` object, which is a dictionary of :class:`~psrqpy.pulsar.Pulsar` objects. """ if not self._pulsars: from .pulsar import Pulsar, Pulsars self._pulsars = Pulsars() # add pulsars one by one qparams = deepcopy(self.query_params) if isinstance(qparams, list): if 'JNAME' not in qparams: self.query_params = self.query_params + ['JNAME'] else: self.query_params = ['JNAME'] psrtable = self.table for row in psrtable: P = Pulsar(row['JNAME'], query=self) self._pulsars.add_pulsar(P) self.query_params = qparams # revert to previous query parameters return self._pulsars
@property def get_version(self): """ Return a string with the ATNF version number, or None if not found. Returns: str: the ATNF version number. """ return self.catalogue.version
[docs] def parse_conditions(self, psrtype=None, assoc=None, bincomp=None): """ Parse a string of `conditions <>`_, i.e., logical statements with which to apply to a catalogue query, e.g., ``condition = 'f0 > 2.5 && assoc(GC)'``, so that they are in the format required for the query URL. Args: psrtype (list, str): a list of strings, or single string, of conditions on the `type <>`_ of pulsars to return (logical AND will be used for any listed types) assoc (list, str): a list of strings, or single string, of conditions on the associations of pulsars to return (logical AND will be used for any listed associations) bincomp (list, str): a list of strings, or single string, of conditions on the `binary companion <>`_ types of pulsars to return (logical AND will be used for any listed associations) exactmatch (bool): a boolean stating whether assciations and types given as the condition should be an exact match Returns: str: a string with the format required for use in :attr:`~psrqpy.config.QUERY_URL` """ conditionparse = '' # add on any extra given pulsar types if psrtype is not None: if isinstance(psrtype, list): if len(psrtype) == 0: raise Exception("No pulsar types in list") for p in psrtype: if not isinstance(p, str): raise Exception("Non-string value '{}' found in pulsar type list" .format(p)) self._query_psr_types = psrtype else: if isinstance(psrtype, str): self._query_psr_types = [psrtype] else: raise Exception("'psrtype' must be a list or string") for p in list(self._query_psr_types): if p.upper() not in PSR_TYPE: warnings.warn("Pulsar type '{}' is not recognised, no type will be required" .format(p)) self._query_psr_types.remove(p) else: if len(conditionparse) == 0: conditionparse = 'type({})'.format(p.upper()) else: conditionparse += ' && type({})'.format(p.upper()) # add on any extra given associations if assoc is not None: if isinstance(assoc, list): if len(assoc) == 0: raise Exception("No pulsar types in list") for p in assoc: if not isinstance(p, str): raise Exception("Non-string value '{}' found in associations list" .format(p)) self._query_assocs = assoc else: if isinstance(assoc, str): self._query_assocs = [assoc] else: raise Exception("'assoc' must be a list or string") for p in list(self._query_assocs): if p.upper() not in PSR_ASSOC_TYPE: warnings.warn("Pulsar association '{}' is not recognised, " "no type will be required".format(p)) self._query_assocs.remove(p) else: if len(conditionparse) == 0: conditionparse = 'assoc({})'.format(p.upper()) else: conditionparse += ' && assoc({})'.format(p.upper()) # add on any extra given binary companion types if bincomp is not None: if isinstance(bincomp, list): if len(assoc) == 0: raise Exception("No pulsar types in list") for p in bincomp: if not isinstance(p, str): raise Exception("Non-string value '{}' found in binary " "companions list".format(p)) self._query_bincomps = bincomp else: if isinstance(bincomp, str): self._query_bincomps = [bincomp] else: raise Exception("'bincomp' must be a list or string") for p in list(self._query_bincomps): if p.upper() not in PSR_BINARY_TYPE: warnings.warn("Pulsar binary companion '{}' is not recognised, " "no type will be required".format(p)) self._query_bincomps.remove(p) else: if len(conditionparse) == 0: conditionparse = 'bincomp({})'.format(p.upper()) else: conditionparse += ' && bincomp({})'.format(p.upper()) return conditionparse
@property def catalogue_shape(self): """ The shape of the entire catalogue table as a tuple containing the number of rows and the number of columns. """ return self.catalogue.shape @property def catalogue_nrows(self): """ The number of rows in the entire catalogue, i.e. the number of pulsars it contains. """ return self.catalogue.shape[0] @property def catalogue_ncols(self): """ The number of columns in the entire catalogue, i.e. the number of parameters it contains. """ return self.catalogue.shape[1] @property def catalogue_len(self): """ The length of the entire catalogue, i.e., the number of pulsars it contains. This should be the same as ``catalogue_nrows``. """ return len(self.catalogue) def __len__(self): """ Returns: int: :func:`len` method returns the number of pulsars """ return len(self.pandas) def __str__(self): """ Returns: str: :func:`str` method returns the str method of an :class:`astropy.table.Table`. """ return str(self.table) def __repr__(self): """ Returns: str: :func:`repr` method returns the repr method of an :class:`astropy.table.Table`. """ return repr(self.table)
[docs] def ppdot(self, intrinsicpdot=False, excludeGCs=False, showtypes=[], showGCs=False, showSNRs=False, markertypes={}, deathline=True, deathmodel='Ip', filldeath=True, filldeathtype={}, showtau=True, brakingidx=3, tau=None, showB=True, Bfield=None, pdotlims=None, periodlims=None, usecondition=True, usepsrs=True, rcparams={}): """ Draw a lovely period vs period derivative diagram. Args: intrinsicpdot (bool): use the intrinsic period derivative corrected for the `Shklovskii effect <>`_ rather than the observed value. Defaults to False. excludeGCs (bool): exclude globular cluster pulsars as their period derivatives can be contaminated by intra-cluster accelerations. Defaults to False. showtypes (list, str): a list of pulsar types to highlight with markers in the plot. These can contain any of the following: ``BINARY``, ``HE``, ``NRAD``, ``RRAT``, ``XINS``, ``AXP`` or ``SGR``, or ``ALL`` to show all types. Default to showing no types. showGCs (bool): show markers to denote the pulsars in globular clusters. Defaults to False. showSNRs (bool): show markers to denote the pulsars with supernova remnants associated with them. Defaults to False. markertypes (dict): a dictionary of marker styles and colors keyed to the pulsar types above deathline (bool): draw the pulsar death line. Defaults to True. deathmodel (str): the type of death line to draw based on the models in :func:`psrqpy.utils.death_line`. Defaults to ``'Ip'``. filldeath (bool): set whether to fill the pulsar graveyard under the death line. Defaults to True. filldeathtype (dict): a dictionary of keyword arguments for the fill style of the pulsar graveyard. showtau (bool): show lines for a selection of characteritic ages. Defaults to True, and shows lines for :math:`10^5` through to :math:`10^9` yrs with steps in powers of 10. brakingidx (int): a braking index to use for the calculation of the characteristic age lines. Defaults to 3 for magnetic dipole radiation. tau (list): a list of characteristic ages to show on the plot. showB (bool): show lines of constant magnetic field strength. Defaults to True, and shows lines for :math:`10^{10}` through to :math:`10^{14}` gauss with steps in powers of 10. Bfield (list): a list of magnetic field strengths to plot. periodlims (array_like): the [min, max] period limits to plot with pdotlims (array_like): the [min, max] pdot limits to plot with usecondition (bool): if True create the P-Pdot diagram only with pulsars that conform to the original query condition values. Defaults to True. usepsrs (bool): if True create the P-Pdot diagram only with pulsars specified in the original query. Defaults to True. rcparams (dict): a dictionary of :py:obj:`matplotlib.rcParams` setup parameters for the plot. Returns: :class:`matplotlib.figure.Figure`: the figure object """ try: import matplotlib as mpl from matplotlib import pyplot as pl except ImportError: raise ImportError('Cannot produce P-Pdot plot as Matplotlib is ' 'not available') from .utils import death_line, label_line # get table containing all required parameters table = self.query_table(usecondition=usecondition, usepsrs=usepsrs, query_params=['P0', 'P1', 'P1_I', 'ASSOC', 'BINARY', 'TYPE']) if len(table) == 0: print("No pulsars found, so no P-Pdot plot has been produced") return None if isinstance(showtypes, str): nshowtypes = [showtypes] else: nshowtypes = showtypes for stype in list(nshowtypes): if 'ALL' == stype.upper(): nshowtypes = list(PSR_TYPE) # remove radio as none are returned as this del nshowtypes[nshowtypes.index('RADIO')] break elif stype.upper() not in list(PSR_TYPE): warnings.warn('"TYPE" {} is not recognised, so will not be ' 'included'.format(stype)) del nshowtypes[nshowtypes.index(stype)] if 'SGR' == stype.upper(): # synonym for AXP nshowtypes[nshowtypes.index(stype)] = 'AXP' # set plot parameters rcparams['figure.figsize'] = rcparams['figure.figsize'] if \ 'figure.figsize' in rcparams else (9, 9.5) rcparams['figure.dpi'] = rcparams['figure.dpi'] if \ 'figure.dpi' in rcparams else 250 rcparams['text.usetex'] = rcparams['text.usetex'] if \ 'text.usetex' in rcparams else False rcparams['axes.linewidth'] = rcparams['axes.linewidth'] if \ 'axes.linewidth' in rcparams else 0.5 rcparams['axes.grid'] = rcparams['axes.grid'] if \ 'axes.grid' in rcparams else False rcparams[''] = rcparams[''] if \ '' in rcparams else 'sans-serif' rcparams['font.sans-serif'] = rcparams['font.sans-serif'] if \ 'font.sans-serif' in rcparams else \ 'Avant Garde, Helvetica, Computer Modern Sans serif' rcparams['font.size'] = rcparams['font.size'] if \ 'font.size' in rcparams else 20 rcparams['legend.fontsize'] = rcparams['legend.fontsize'] if \ 'legend.fontsize' in rcparams else 16 rcparams['legend.frameon'] = rcparams['legend.frameon'] if \ 'legend.frameon' in rcparams else False mpl.rcParams.update(rcparams) fig, ax = pl.subplots() # extract periods and period derivatives periods = table['P0'] pdots = table['P1'] if intrinsicpdot: # use instrinsic period derivatives if requested ipdotidx = np.isfinite(table['P1_I']) pdots[ipdotidx] = table['P1_I'][ipdotidx] # get only finite values pidx = (np.isfinite(periods)) & (np.isfinite(pdots)) periods = periods[pidx] pdots = pdots[pidx] if 'ASSOC' in table.columns: assocs = table['ASSOC'][pidx] # associations if 'TYPE' in table.columns: types = table['TYPE'][pidx] # pulsar types if 'BINARY' in nshowtypes: binaries = table['BINARY'][pidx] # binary pulsars # now get only positive pdot values pidx = pdots > 0. periods = periods[pidx] pdots = pdots[pidx] if 'ASSOC' in table.columns: assocs = assocs[pidx] # associations if 'TYPE' in table.columns: types = types[pidx] # pulsar types if 'BINARY' in nshowtypes: binaries = binaries[pidx] # binary pulsars # check whether to exclude globular cluster pulsars that could have # contaminated spin-down value if excludeGCs: # use '!=' to find GC indexes nongcidxs = np.flatnonzero( np.char.find(np.array(assocs.tolist(), dtype=str), 'GC:') == -1) periods = periods[nongcidxs] pdots = pdots[nongcidxs] if 'ASSOC' in table.columns: assocs = assocs[nongcidxs] if 'TYPE' in table.columns: types = types[nongcidxs] if 'BINARY' in nshowtypes: binaries = binaries[nongcidxs] # plot pulsars ax.loglog(periods, pdots, marker='.', color='dimgrey', linestyle='none') ax.set_xlabel(r'Period (s)') ax.set_ylabel(r'Period Derivative') # get limits if periodlims is None: periodlims = [10**np.floor(np.min(np.log10(periods))), 10.*int(np.ceil(np.max(pdots)/10.))] if pdotlims is None: pdotlims = [10**np.floor(np.min(np.log10(pdots))), 10**np.ceil(np.max(np.log10(pdots)))] ax.set_xlim(periodlims) ax.set_ylim(pdotlims) if deathline: deathpdots = 10**death_line(np.log10(periodlims), linemodel=deathmodel) ax.loglog(periodlims, deathpdots, 'k--', linewidth=0.5) if filldeath: if not filldeathtype: filldeathtype = {} filldeathtype['linestyle'] = filldeathtype['linestyle'] if \ 'linestyle' in filldeathtype else '-' filldeathtype['alpha'] = filldeathtype['alpha'] if \ 'alpha' in filldeathtype else 0.15 filldeathtype['facecolor'] = filldeathtype['facecolor'] if \ 'facecolor' in filldeathtype else 'darkorange' filldeathtype['hatch'] = filldeathtype['hatch'] if \ 'hatch' in filldeathtype else '' ax.fill_between(periodlims, deathpdots, pdotlims[0], **filldeathtype) # add markers for each pulsar type if not markertypes: markertypes = {} # check if markers have been defined by the user or not markertypes['AXP'] = {'marker': 's', 'markeredgecolor': 'red'} if \ 'AXP' not in markertypes else markertypes['AXP'] markertypes['BINARY'] = {'marker': 'o', 'markeredgecolor': 'grey'} if \ 'BINARY' not in markertypes else markertypes['BINARY'] markertypes['HE'] = {'marker': 'D', 'markeredgecolor': 'orange'} if \ 'HE' not in markertypes else markertypes['HE'] markertypes['RRAT'] = {'marker': 'h', 'markeredgecolor': 'green'} if \ 'RRAT' not in markertypes else markertypes['RRAT'] markertypes['NRAD'] = {'marker': 'v', 'markeredgecolor': 'blue'} if \ 'NRAD' not in markertypes else markertypes['NRAD'] markertypes['XINS'] = {'marker': '^', 'markeredgecolor': 'magenta'} if \ 'XINS' not in markertypes else markertypes['XINS'] markertypes['GC'] = {'marker': '8', 'markeredgecolor': 'cyan'} if \ 'GC' not in markertypes else markertypes['GC'] markertypes['SNR'] = {'marker': '*', 'markeredgecolor': 'darkorchid'} if \ 'SNR' not in markertypes else markertypes['SNR'] # legend strings for different types typelegstring = {} typelegstring['AXP'] = r'SGR/AXP' typelegstring['NRAD'] = r'"Radio-Quiet"' typelegstring['XINS'] = r'Pulsed Thermal X-ray' typelegstring['BINARY'] = r'Binary' typelegstring['HE'] = r'Radio-IR Emission' typelegstring['GC'] = r'Globular Cluster' typelegstring['SNR'] = r'SNR' typelegstring['RRAT'] = r'RRAT' # show globular cluster pulsars if showGCs and not excludeGCs: nshowtypes.append('GC') # show pulsars with associated supernova remnants if showSNRs: nshowtypes.append('SNR') handles = dict() for stype in nshowtypes: if stype.upper() in PSR_TYPE + ['GC', 'SNR']: thistype = stype.upper() if thistype == 'BINARY': # for binaries used the 'BINARY' column in the table if type(binaries) == MaskedColumn: typeidx = np.flatnonzero(~binaries.mask) else: typeidx = np.ones(len(binaries)) elif thistype in ['GC', 'SNR']: typeidx = np.flatnonzero( np.char.find(np.array(assocs.tolist(), dtype=str), thistype) != -1) else: typeidx = np.flatnonzero( np.char.find(np.array(types.tolist(), dtype=str), thistype) != -1) if len(typeidx) == 0: continue # default to empty markers with no lines between them if 'markerfacecolor' not in markertypes[thistype]: markertypes[thistype]['markerfacecolor'] = 'none' if 'linestyle' not in markertypes[thistype]: markertypes[thistype]['linestyle'] = 'none' typehandle, = ax.loglog(periods[typeidx], pdots[typeidx], label=typelegstring[thistype], **markertypes[thistype]) if thistype in typelegstring: handles[typelegstring[thistype]] = typehandle else: handles[thistype] = typehandle ax.legend(handles.values(), handles.keys(), loc='upper left', numpoints=1) # add characteristic age lines tlines = dict() if showtau: if tau is None: taus = [1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9] # default characteristic ages else: taus = tau nbrake = brakingidx for tauv in taus: pdots_tc = age_pdot(periodlims, tau=tauv, braking_idx=nbrake) tline, = ax.loglog(periodlims, pdots_tc, 'k-.', linewidth=0.5) # check if taus are powers of 10 taupow = np.floor(np.log10(tauv)) numv = tauv/10**taupow if numv == 1.: tlines[r'$10^{{{0:d}}}\,{{\rm yr}}$'.format(int(taupow))] = tline else: tlines[r'${{{0:.1f}}}!\times\!10^{{{1:d}}}\,{{\rm yr}}$' .format(numv, taupow)] = tline # add magnetic field lines Blines = dict() if showB: if Bfield is None: Bs = [1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13, 1e14] else: Bs = Bfield for B in Bs: pdots_B = B_field_pdot(periodlims, Bfield=B) bline, = ax.loglog(periodlims, pdots_B, 'k:', linewidth=0.5) # check if Bs are powers of 10 Bpow = np.floor(np.log10(B)) numv = B/10**Bpow if numv == 1.: Blines[r'$10^{{{0:d}}}\,{{\rm G}}$'.format(int(Bpow))] = bline else: Blines[r'${{{0:.1f}}}!\times\!10^{{{1:d}}}\,{{\rm G}}$' .format(numv, Bpow)] = bline fig.tight_layout() # add text for characteristic age lines and magnetic field strength lines for l in tlines: _ = label_line(ax, tlines[l], l, color='k', fs=18, frachoffset=0.05) for l in Blines: _ = label_line(ax, Blines[l], l, color='k', fs=18, frachoffset=0.90) # return the figure return fig
[docs] def gw_mass_quadrupole(self): """ Return the :math:`l=m=2` mass quadrupoles based on the spin-down limits for the pulsars in the catalogue using :func:`~psrqpy.utils.h0_to_q22`. Returns: :class:`astropy.table.Table`: a table containing ``PSRJ`` names and :math:`Q_{22}` values as a column called ``Q22``. """ # parameters required to calculate the mass quadrupole requiredpars = ["PSRJ", "H0_SD", "F0", "DIST"] table = self.query_table(query_params=requiredpars) q22 = h0_to_q22( table["H0_SD"], table["F0"], table["DIST"] ) idx = np.isfinite(q22) return Table( data=[table["PSRJ"][idx], q22[idx]], names=["PSRJ", "Q22"], units=[None, * aunits.m ** 2], )
[docs] def gw_ellipticity(self): """ Return the :math:`l=m=2` mass quadrupoles based on the spin-down limits for the pulsars in the catalogue using :func:`~psrqpy.utils.h0_to_ellipticity`. Returns: :class:`astropy.table.Table`: a table containing ``PSRJ`` names and :math:`\\varepsilon` values as a column called ``ELL``. """ q22 = self.gw_mass_quadrupole() ell = q22_to_ellipticity(q22["Q22"]) return Table( data=[q22["PSRJ"], ell], names=["PSRJ", "ELL"], )